Ancestral surnames in pedagogical dem: professional anthroponomic features.
This paper is dedication to scientific examination of two his¬torical versions of origin of Russian surnames: official (non-ancestral) and informal (public, ancestral). Population-anthroponimic analysis as a scientific - research method was selected. So-called hypothesis of pro-portional representation, which the-oretically has to be performed in the case of justice of official version, has been controlled. Before, on the example of 12000 graduates Siberian Medical Univer-sity has been tested and showed, that in 25 % called hypothesis isn't performed, and it proves an-cestral (public) version of many Russian surnames These investigations were held with the use of 10000 graduates of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The results prove the made above conclu-sions at a great extent.
Issue: 4, 2000
Series of issue: Humanities (History) (Special Issue)
Rubric: Development of Professional Teacher Education in Siberia
Pages: 31 — 35
Downloads: 1211