The Problem of Evolution of European Civilization in the Current Positive Historiography of the Second Half XIX Century (H. Tain)
H. Tain is a famous representative of the philosophy of positivism. This article deals with Tain's point of view on the specifics of European historical process in the period between V-th-XVIII-th centuries. Tain's idea to investigate the history of development of the European civilization as an evolution of morals of European society was original and innovative in historiography of XIX century. Tain had enlisted the factors: longing to freedom, following the Christian laws, chevalry honesty and loyalty etc., which stimulated the development of moral evolution of the West from savage barbarian to civilized society.
Issue: 7, 2000
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy, Cultural Science)
Rubric: Interdisciplinary Studies
Pages: 68 — 73
Downloads: 1260