Out of the Russian Patronymics History
This paper is the continuation of the one, called «Russian Patronymics», published in this Journal earlier [1999, № 1 (10), p. 43-46]. The classification of lexical couples «genus-totem» is considered in it, that is very significant to understand bases of Russian ancestral anthroponymics. Some tens of Ants tribe of genera (one of 9 Great Rus' tribes), in which were established ornithological totems, have been considered. Objective characteristics, distinguished the Russian ancestral (generic) names from ungeneric, are enumerated here. On the example of the surname Ivanov it is seen, that this surname is characterized by all generic signs. The history of its arising is narrated in verbal stories. A number of old priest genera of Ants is named.
Issue: 7, 2000
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy, Cultural Science)
Rubric: Interdisciplinary Studies
Pages: 73 — 77
Downloads: 1219