Archaic- Mythological (Shaman) Models in A. Akhmatova's Poetry
The author of the article is analyzing images and motives of «The Poem without a Hero» and «The Prose about the Poem» by Anna Akhmatova. They trace to shaman myths and notions which underlie the legend about the mission of a singer, his poetical inspiration. They can be seen in the composition of the first part of «The Poem without a Hero» in traveling of the memory into the world of the dead, the presence of the images of dances, the motive of conjuring. It is known that Akhmatova had an idea of changing the poem into a kind of «dancing action with singing from behind the scene. All these made it possible for Anna Akhmatova to call her poem «shamanics».
Issue: 1, 2003
Series of issue: Humanities (Philology)
Rubric: Russian Literature and Culture of the 20th Century
Pages: 43 — 48
Downloads: 1232