Kondratova, Gasdynamic Analysis of the Airbag Gas Generator with a Porous Charge
In the present work the gasdynamic mathematical model of the airbag gas generator with porous monoblock charge is submitted. The analysis of calculations results comparison with experimental data obtained for model gas generators is made. On the base of examination of main processes physics development new design of the airbag gas generator with a porous charge is offered and analyzed. R.A. Ritter, A.V. Fateev, O.Kh. Poleshchuk. Density Functional Theory: Estimation of Nuclear Quadrupole Moments of Some Nuclei The Becke's hybrid method with the different correlation functionate has been used for the calculation of nuclear quadrupole coupling constants (NQCC) for the large number of molecules containing 9 various quadrupole nuclei. Electric field gradients were calculated at various ievels of DFT approach: B3LYP/ 6-31+G(df,pd), B3LYP/cc-pVTZ, BHandHLYP/aug-cc-pVTZ, B3LYP/3-21G(d). The nuclear quadrupole moments of oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, nitrogen, boron, aluminum, arsenic, niobium and antimony isotopes v/ere calibrated.
Issue: 4, 2003
Series of issue: Science
Rubric: Gas Dynamics and Combustion
Pages: 31 — 35
Downloads: 1085