Influence of Meteorological Conditions on Efficiency of Application of Corrective Light Films at Cultivation Plants in Conditions of Region of Tomsk
On the example of cultivation of sprout cabbage of a kind «Nadezhda» in the summer period influencing of meteorological conditions 1999-2003 years to productivity of correction light films for protection closed soil is investigated. With usage of techniques of biological testing of films is rotined, that challenging influencing to growth and development of plants («polysvetany» effect) correction light films render only at enough favorable temperature and light meteorological conditions, giving considerable effects of increase of biomass of spout and economic productivity of horse radish. At a decrease of mean temperatures on 5-7 °C or increase of temperatures on 8-10 °C from optimum for cultivation of plants and long-term period of dense cloud cover during realization of experiment in conditions of closed soil without an auxiliary illumination and heating «polysvetany» effect is not watched. Reproduction of effect in region of risky agriculture (Tomsk) in the indicated term is reached 40% in most unfavorable for an agriculture spring period and 75 % in the summer period
Issue: 4, 2003
Series of issue: Science
Rubric: Chemistry
Pages: 39 — 44
Downloads: 1056