Categories «Ease» and «Labour» in the Context of Modernizations of Russian Culture XVIII – a Beginning XX Centuries
In the article is put problem of correlation and perceptions of categories «ease» and «labour» in the context of modernizations of russian culture XVIII – a beginning XX centuries. Consideration given categories in the context of perception by the russian society of different sides of west-european cultural experience, finds cognate processes in modern russia reality, when occurs increasing role of prestigious consumption and amusements. Scope of the leisure and festive activity, having begun scale to increase a space of its existance from shaping an industry society, currently becomes the most most important, even main, particularity of modern mass culture.
Issue: 2, 2004
Series of issue: Humanities (Philosophy, Cultural Science)
Rubric: Cultural Studies and Philosophy of Culture
Pages: 106 — 111
Downloads: 1013