Education Based on the Theory of Inventive Problems Solving - What It is Like
The philosophical meaning of the education based on the theory of inventive problems solving (TIPS) is disclosed in the present article in detail. The specific characteristic features of this type of education are shown in comparison with traditional system of education. The main contradiction of the «knowledge-oriented» paradigm of education is revealed and the way for its solving is shown. The mail idea of the education based on the theory of inventive problems solving is teaching inventive activity methods for the wide audience of learners on the basis of the principles of theory of inventive problems solving. The peculiarities of schools working on the basis of TIPS are considered and the analysis of the effect of moral education introduced in these educational institutions is revealed.
Issue: 5, 2004
Series of issue: Pedagogy
Rubric: General Problems of Education
Pages: 7 — 10
Downloads: 1149