Development of Professional Qualities of Physical Training Teacher by Untraditional Methodic
In this article an experimental researches of the biomechanical stimulation methodic are presented as factor of professional and technical quality increasing for teacher on physical culture and sport. The comprehensive analysis of influencing of activity on biomechanical stimulation simulators on specific propulsion capacities development is adduced. It is shown, that the indicated methodic application demands careful and methodically competent guard rope of the conforming exercises with allowance of effect of concrete muscle fibers stimulation. The number of pedagogical organizational and methodical conditions for effective moving qualities development is detected, to means that was reached not only technical level increasing, but also improvement of a qualitative training level of the teacher as a whole.
Issue: 5, 2004
Series of issue: Pedagogy
Rubric: Innovation Technology of Education
Pages: 120 — 123
Downloads: 1091