Social and Ethical Analysis of ‘State’ and ‘Society’ Relationships (Pre-Modern and Modern)
You can compare how the thoughts about the public good are changing, if you consider theoretical constructions of different philosophers and the sociologists which represent systems of the relations between state and human society, developed in a certain social and economic, political and cultural contexts. These theoretical constructions (models) reflecting various scientists’ views on the problem of relationships between state and human society demand a substantiation – definition of certain norms (moral, legal, religious) on which these mutual relations are based on. The author makes an attempt to define internal logic of movement from one model to another and to find out, how changes in political and philosophical idea and moral philosophy are interconnected.
Issue: 12, 2006
Series of issue: Humanities (Sociology)
Rubric: Social, Cultural and Political Analysis of Society
Pages: 69 — 72
Downloads: 1160