The clause is devoted to the analysis of means of verbalization concept "Christening" in Russian national fairy tale. Named concept is a component of a folklore Christian picture of the world. Its consideration represents significant research interest in connection with a role of sacrament of a christening to life of the orthodox Christian. Thus those scripts which were reflected in Russian national fairy tale are marked, and the reasons of such choice come to light. Lexical means of verbalization concept "Christening" are allocated first of all and their role in the folklore text is defined. So the value of God parents established by church canons, and reflected in national consciousness, for example, is compared, and also various national signs and the customs connected with a christening and God are considered. Thus the special attention is given type of a fairy tale in which it is reflected data concept - magic, household or a fairy tale on animals. The urgency of work is connected with revival of Christianity and heightened interest to its history.
Issue: 5, 2006
Series of issue: Humanities (Philology)
Rubric: Cognitive Linguistics. Comparative Motivation
Pages: 48 — 53
Downloads: 1184