Activity of microflora in native soil and recultivated eutrophic bogs
Peat deposit of marsh ecosystem «Tagan» is characterized by presence of mani groups of soil microorganisms, which are able to convert different peat compounds. In upper lay of native soil of ecosystem ammonificative microorganisms with domination nonsporiferous forms are the most abundant, and in bottom lay organisms assimilating mineral forms of nitrogen are plentiful (that is coordinated with distribution N-NH3 on deep is deposits). Nitrifiers and cellulosedestroyers developing in nutrient medium are less active. Content of microorganisms in native soil is constant. Cultivation of permanent grasses during 18-20 years stimulated development of microflora on deep of relict peat. Content of all groups microorganisms including organisms assimilating mineral forms of nitrogen, bacillus, actinomycete, denitrifiers, nitrifiers was essentially increased. Increase in the number of these (and others) microorganisms can point out probability of destruction amplification of organic matter in recultivated part of soil
Issue: 6, 2007
Series of issue: Science
Pages: 33 — 38
Downloads: 969