Historic Facts about System Research: Between Methodology and Ideology
The article is focused on the history of system research development in the Soviet Union. At the end of 1960-s the Institute of history of natural science and techniques, Academy of Sciences in the USSR became a centre of system research. The founders of the system movement were I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin, later S.I. Doroshenko, A.I. Yablonsky and E.M. Mirsky. Transformation of attitude to the system research is shown from the view of Marx-Lenin’s ideology: from absolute neglecting of system ideas to converting them into official ideology
Keywords: history of system research development, Institute of Natural Science and Technics History, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, founders of system movement, system research, methodology of system resesrch
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Issue: 1, 2008
Rubric: Eric Grigorievich Yudin: Life and Legacy
Pages: 28 — 33
Downloads: 1333