New materials of fauna of zooplankton communities of raised bogs hollows of Pechora-Onegensis province are given in this article on the example of one raised bog which is situated in Vologda region. As result of the research work, 33 species of plankton invertebrate (Rotatoria – 13, Cladocera – 15 and Copepoda – 5) were discovered in composition of zooplankton of raised bogs hollows. 7 species are new records to the fauna of Vologda region. They are: Lacinularia ismailoviensis, Lecane (Monostyla) arcuata, L. (M.) cornuta, Monommata aequalis, Simocephalus serrulatus, Scapholeberis microcephala and Bunops serricaudata. The complex of specific species of raised bogs mires hollows was specified. There is presented the seasonal dynamics of quantitative characteristics of zooplankton communities in hollows. The installed differences in structure of hollows zooplankton fauna depending on miscellaneous degree of water level.
Keywords: zooplankton, hollow, raised bog, Vologda region, Alekseevskoe-1 mire, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda
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Issue: 3, 2009
Rubric: Bio resource of Bogs
Pages: 82 — 86
Downloads: 1310