Methods of oil-associated gas utilization important for oil producing companies in Russia are being examined in this article. Methods of application and product usage efficiency are analyzed. The performed analysis allowed to outline the main benefits and drawbacks of introduced methods and determine the most attractive way of utilization depending on various characteristics and certain conditions of oil fields (the size, the remoteness of the field, the depth of bedding, the level of infrustructure etc.). The usage of new methods of oil-associated gas utilization analysed in this article allows to increase oil production output much faster, solves the problem of effective CO2 usage at oil fields, which is highly important in modern conditions of oil and oil-associated gas production and usage.
Keywords: oil field, oil-associated gas, utilization methods, production output
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Issue: 8, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 108 — 112
Downloads: 1097