This article is devoted to the theoretical and experimental aspects of the investigation of the self-management ability as the criterion of the personal-professional development of the students during their education in pedagogical higher school, to the investigation of the formation of personality who is directed to high professional achievements in education, to professional self-development and self-actualization. Self-management ability is interpreted as the goaldirected self-change or as the management of the human activity forms such as communication, behavior, activity, emotional experience (N. Peysakhov). Statistical analysis of the data obtained in the ascertaining step permitted to identify the significant differences, allowing to define the psychological characteristics of personal-professional development of pedagogical high school students with different levels of self-management ability. It is necessary for the students with low levels to form a horizontal self-management structure, which includes the eight stages: analysis of contradictions, forecasting, goalsetting, formation of criteria, quality assessment, making decision, monitoring, correction. The personal-professional development of the students with high self-management ability is characterized by the creation of a vertical selfmanagement system, by self-improvement of its individual units, by changes in the forms of human activity.
Keywords: personal-professional development of higher school students, self-management ability, analysis of the contradictions, goal-setting, monitoring, correction, self-regulation
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 16 — 21
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