The paper deals with the problems of general managerial skills and the goals of the study of programming languages in the training of managers. In the course of such training the author proposes to distinguish between three levels of management competencies and three approaches to the study of programming languages. Therefore the notion of “program” is seen in three aspects: a program as an abstract finite-state automaton; program as a syntactic construct; program as a system – a model of the world. According to the aims of the course software from primitive level to high level is offered; the steps of learning are established; a number of high-level languages are compared; the existing experience is analyzed. As part of the stated objective for training the author offers means of programming from primitive to high-level; builds a sequence of mastering the basics of programming; compares a number of high-level languages in terms of the task; analyses the existing experience of implementing these ideas in the learning process.
Keywords: management, programming languages, social competence
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 55 — 61
Downloads: 1045