In Russia now the social policy concerning disabled people considerably improves. The special relevance is gained by the programs of development of disabled people’s complex medico-social rehabilitation. Complex rehabilitation increases the level of the host functionality, promotes recovery of the social communications lost because of chronic diseases. The social and pedagogical component of complex rehabilitation motivates chronic patients with violations of the motive sphere to daily occupations with adaptive physical culture. Work therapy as a means of adaptive physical culture can positively influence a social rehabilitations of persons with Parkinson disease. Parkinson’s disease is one of the reasons for invalidization and disability of mature agepersons. The main symptoms of a disease are motive violations and cognitive frustrations. The application of rational work therapy in a complex with pharmacotherapy, a dietotherapy, physiotreatment improves a psycho-functional state, household adaptation and socialization of patients with parkinsonism at late stages of disease.
Keywords: work therapy, complex rehabilitation, Parkinson illness, adaptive physical culture, social adaptation
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 112 — 117
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