On the basis of analysis of archival materials, historical and pedagogical studies characterized the unique experience of foster care in Siberia during the formation of the Soviet government. There is also an analysis of public documents governing the foster care in the 20th of the XX c., and the conditions of transferring children from orphanages to foster care families; benefits that children receive at the device in a new family. The authors show that the patronage system in 20-s of the twentieth century did not bring the expected results, which have been associated with many formalities. The article may be of interest to practitioners and social workers at the organization of foster care with regard to the historical and regional peculiarities of Siberia.
Keywords: foster care, orphan, the 20ies of the XX c., orphanage, benefits, farm
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 167 — 170
Downloads: 917