The article presents the results of a comparative study of social competence of adolescents with normal mental development and their peers with learning disabilities (mental retardation). The study found that three of the four subtests as described in J. Guilford and M. Sullivan (“Stories with the completion”, “Verbal expression”, “Stories with the supplement”) adolescents of two groups show the same type of results. So, according to the sub-tests “Stories with the completion” and “Verbal expression” most adolescents have an average level of social intelligence, according to the subtests “Stories with the supplement” – below average. According the subtest “Group of the expression” adolescents with a normal level had an average level of social intelligence and adolescents with mental retardation – below average. Using the scale of A. M. Prihozhan it was found that adolescents with normal mental development have normative regulatory social competence. Adolescents with mental retardation show a lag in the development of social competence. And this is most clearly seen in the subscales: “Self confidence” and “Interest in social life”». Using the techniques of Thomas it was found that in conditions of normal psychological development of adolescents prevail two tactics of behavior in conflict situations: competition and cooperation. Adolescents with mental retardation in conflict situations use mixed styles of passive behavior: avoidance and adaptation.
Keywords: social development, social competence, adolescent, mental retardation
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Issue: 11, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 82 — 86
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