Important prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms and laws governing the formation and implementation of the psychological aspects of reproductive function of the modern woman is to study the motives of continuing the pregnancy and childbirth. Motive (lat. Moveo – to move) is an ideal or a material object, the achievement of which is a sense of activity, in this case – procreation. Women as subjects of reproductive behavior, fertility motif subjectively represented by a complex of emotions associated with the preparation for the implementation of the parent function. Proceeding from the assumption that pregnancy and childbirth for women is the highly personal significance, influence on the subsequent development of a woman as the subject of reproductive behavior and family relations, the study of motivation reveals endogenous factors of intrapersonal conflict. The article presents the results of a study designed to determine the motives that save a woman from pregnancy and childbirth. The study was conducted in medical institutions of Tomsk, during 2002–2004. Psychological examination of 150 healthy pregnant women aged 19–37 years, of which 102 nulliparous and 48 multiparous was carried out. The results of the study complete the current theoretical understanding of the psychological aspects of female reproductive function, allows us to offer solutions to a number of important scientific and practical and social problems.
Keywords: motive, identity, woman, pregnancy, childbirth, child, family
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 24 — 27
Downloads: 2524