Two tasks of innovation management require its methodological solution. Those tasks are effective selection of asymptotical target and management of generation of unexampled innovations. Methodological strategies of solving these tasks can be put as dilemma. Constructive solution of this dilemma is based at “Semiotic Attractor” conception. The concept became a synthesis of the philosophy of process, results of methodological research related to information phenomenon as a process and results of fundamental research of non-linear dynamics and semiotics. The concept expresses conditions of organization of states meeting nature of managed system's attractors. This “Semiotic Attractor” is realized as an occasion – occasion of random selection and occasion of unexampled innovation's generation. Organization of conditions leading to occurrence of similar occasions is relevant to solution of innovations management tasks. Solution was obtained on basis of four interdependent conditions: 1) innovations management is management of targets; 2) phase states of targeted situations set by semiotic means exclusively; 3) information mechanisms of self-organization require intermediary situation to be formed which should be dependent on asymptotical target; 4) verbalization of asymptotical target should represent current intermediate situation. The latter does not mean concealment of final targets but meet requirement for future should be open for the future innovations. Selection of final target is a choice between aspirations of altruism, perfectionism, hedonism or utilitarianism.
Keywords: “semiotic attractor”, “revolution in symbolism”, nonlinear dynamics, occasion, characteristics of information, model of semiotic dynamics
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 147 — 153
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