The article examines an experience of classical Russian literature interpretations in Italian cinema. The analysis is carried out in several directions. The chronological vector suggests an interest in Russian literature from a historical perspective, beginning with the 40s of the XX century. In these years, Italian cinema became a cultural phenomenon subject to censorship – using Russian literature in films was a way whereby productions could avoid censorship. We can assume that film adaptations of Russian literature had a significant impact upon Italian cinema of the time. Writers such as Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gogol, Bulgakov became very popular after WWII. The Paper aims at providing an overview of Italian cinema based on Russian literature, whereas the question of «success» or «failure» of film adaptations under consideration shall be left open.
Keywords: Italian movie art, Russian literature, neo-realism, censorship, strategy of creative activity
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 164 — 170
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