In the paperwork there is proved and justified the variant of a new perspective approach to the orientation of physical education at school in general and to its main form of organization and methodology in particular, i. e. the lesson of physical education. In the article there are shown theoretical, social, pedagogical and medical preconditions for implementation of the lessons of physical education of restorative and preventive orientation into the system of comprehensive school. The contents of the main components of the lesson of restorative and preventive orientation are also worked out in the represented article, i. e. lesson structure, the structures of restorative and preventive objectives, means, educational restorative and preventive material and the proportion of exercises. The contents of the components of the lessons of physical education of restorative and preventive orientation, “Restorative and Preventive Activities in Comprehensive School”, are included in the section of the course of study of “Theory and Methodology of Restorative and Preventive activities”. The course of study is included in the elective course of professional syllabus in the course of 050100.62 “Pedagogical education” at the faculty of physical education in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. It allows to professionally prepare bachelors in Physical Education for qualified lessons of physical education of restorative and preventive orientation at school.
Keywords: restorative and preventive orientation, preconditions, structure, objectives, means, content of the lesson
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 252 — 255
Downloads: 938