The article reviews the empirical studies of the process of socialization of young children (from birth to three years) under the conditions of inclusive group. Presents the results of the correction of psycho-pedagogical work with normally developing children and children with disabilities in co-education and development. Shows features of programs of psychological support in combination parent-child groups of early development, based on the purposeful formation of a situational-business communication of normative children and children with disabilities with adults, as well as on the gradual inclusion of the child in joint activities with their peers. It was found that the social development of young children with disabilities most successfully runs in group inclusion. The results of the empirical research suggests that the social development of children with disabilities is clearly inferior to normally developing children. Interviews with parents, undertaken at the final stage of study to assess the extent to which their expectations of work groups inclusive and to what extent they are satisfied with its results, show that the condition of these groups have contributed to positive change in view of parents as to the purpose and methods of psychological support and social opportunities for the child at an early age.
Keywords: socialization, early socialization, young children, disabled children, inclusive group, parent-child group of early development
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 31 — 37
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