The article discusses the characteristics of cognitive mechanisms of semantic transformations in phraseological units (FU): literal interpretation, dual actualization and reinterpretation. The author analyses the particular examples of semantic transformations in FU found in the letters. The article explores general principles in functioning of cognitive mechanisms of semantic transformations in FU and their distinctive features. In the analysis of the contextual use of transformed phraseological units there are used the data of extra-linguistic category contained in the comments to letters, reference literature. The author believes that literal interpretation of FU is provided by the associative relationship with the component composition of each of FU. If cognitive mechanisms ensuring this technique does not work, it does not affect the decoding of meaning. During dual actualization lexical meanings of components of FU and phraseological meanings operate simultaneously, layering. The author focuses on the “dual” meaning of such units, achievable by this technique, and relies on the effect of this semantic technique. If the mechanism fails, some part of the coded by this method information becomes lost for recipient. Reinterpretation gives FU an occasional sense. The author of the article proves that encoding can be successful if the semantic content of FU is explained by means of surrounding context.
Keywords: phraseological unit, semantic transformations, cognitive mechanisms, epistolary
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 90 — 95
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