In this article we analyse specifics of functioning of the so-called verbative synlexes (steady combinative neutral nominative units of language which arise and are used in texts of different functional styles; analytical analogs of the verbs) in publicistic texts placed in the National case of Russian. The object of the statistical analysis is the following units: “brat’ (vzyat’) v arendu chto-libo”, “brat’ (vzyat’) za obrazets chto-libo”, “brat’ (vzyat’) za pravilo, chto-libo, chto delat’”; “brat’ (vzyat’) pod kontrol’ kogo-libo/chto-libo”. Also we consider some general features of the use of the verbative synlexes and illustrate them with the examples from the publicistic texts: the verbative synlex as the only unit of nomination, synonymy of the verbative synlexes and the verbs, the adjective as an element of structure of the verbative synlex.
Keywords: verbative synlexes, functioning, publicistic texts, National corpus of Russian
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 96 — 101
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