The article points to analysis of one of the types of partitioned constructions – conjunctive constructions – usage in the up-to-date Russian language. Peculiarities of conjunctive constructions in newspaper text are examined. The research material contains publications of “The Russian Newspaper” over 2012–2014. Studying of the newspaper material shows that the most part of the conjunctive constructions is presented by partition unit which are used by journalists for the definite purpose. The article reveals means of conjunction that include coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, pronouns, parenthetical words, etc. It is pointed out that conjunctive constructions’ functions depend on genres of publications. Varied functions of conjunctive constructions as an element of informal speech in journalistic style are revealed: imitation of informal speech, facilitation of sense perception, emphasizing of pragmatic information and some others.
Keywords: expressive construction, partitioned constructions, conjunctive construction, partitioning, journalistic style, informal speech elements, functions of expressive constructions in text
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 107 — 112
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