The article focuses on the analysis of syntactic organization of epistolary texts from the perspective of regulativity theory, developed in the framework of the communicative style of the text – a new and promising direction of functional stylistics. Regulativity is understood as the ability to manage through the text the reader’s cognitive activity. The key thesis advocates judgment that the regulativity as a universal text-forming feature has specifics of its manifestation in the letters – the most relevant for the type of epistolary texts, due to the peculiarities of epistolary communication sphere. The factors determining the specificity of epistolary regulativity include: distance character of communication between the addresser and the addressee, bound by the written form of verbal contact, the special role of extralinguistic factors (аuthor of the target installation, the nature of the relationship communicants, thematic and situational context, genre form), informality and ease of dialogue, his lack of preparation, automatism, spontaneity. We should particularly mention the factor of polidiscursivity of epistolary. For the material served the private letters of the representatives of Russian creative intelligentzia of the ХХ century (M. V. Nesterov, F. I. Chaliapin, V. I. Vernadsky, M. I. Tsvetaeva, Yu. M. Lotman, V. S. Vysotsky, D. D. Shostakovich), characterized by the presence in their speech of the rich palette of regulatory assets and syntactic structures. This is largely due to the brightness of the personalities of the communicants, originality of idiostyle of each addressee and syncretic and stylistic properties of their letters. Among the most significant regulatory syntactic means include: simple, one-piece, incomplete, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, homogeneous terms, word order, and various forms of transfer of another’s speech. The list of assets of poetic syntax highlighted antithesis, oxymoron, comparison, graduation.
Keywords: epistolary text, writing, Russian intellectuals, communicative style of the text, regulativity, syntactic text units
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 126 — 132
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