The object of consideration in the article is media texts of special type which were provisionally called tertiary texts. These texts have in different degree thematic, informative, semantic and associative generality with initial media texts (initial and secondary) and reflect actual informational reason. These texts of the third degree are characterized by different connection with initial and secondary texts and individual modification of their content according to their informative, semantic and estimated grades in conditions of different personality interpretation and media sphere’s active development. Tertiary texts are examined as informational echo which are conditional on specific character of communication in Global Network: a special communication channel, speed of information distribution, special communicative behavior of informational and media personalities of different types. The last one is connected with possibility of interactive response of communicators who estimate and interpret informational reason which was mentioned in initial or secondary media text in their own way.
Keywords: media sphere, media text, initial, secondary and tertiary media texts, informational and media personality
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 138 — 142
Downloads: 763