The article presents research of individual media discourse of the author and presenter of the information and analytical program “News of the Week” Dmitry Kiselev. The specificity of the format of information and analytical program in general and the author’s program the “News of the Week” in particular is characterized. The complex communicative and pragmatic analysis of “News of the Week” 04.14.2013 from the standpoint of both the individual characteristics of journalist and presenter and objective extra linguistic characteristics of information and analytical program format was presented. Genre, stylistic and compositional features of the “News of the Week” as the official state program are characterized. Verbal behavior of D. Kiselev from the point of view of communicative strategies and tactics, the use of tropes, rhetorical figures, as well as various methods of communication impact was analysed. Paralinguistic characteristics of individual media discourse of the author and presenter of the program “News of the Week” (phonational and kinetic) were described.
Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a journalist, communicative and pragmatic analysis, information and analytical program
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 143 — 147
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