This article, based on the material of “AiF in Tomsk” appendix for 2008–2010 considers different types of regulatory strategies, which are typical not only for literary texts that were previously identified, but also for regional media discourse. The research is carried out with the communicative stylistics, oriented at the analysis of the dialogue between the author and the reader of newspaper and journalistic texts, which is possible owing to their particular organization and selection of language means. Different texts on the same topic analysis allowed defining some features of the journalists’ texts on the level of their regulatory tools, structures and regulatory strategies. The largest communicative effect, according to the survey of informants, is caused by regulatory strategy of paradoxically contrastive type thanks to contrast and irony techniques, as well as various regulatory tools.
Keywords: communicative style of the text, regional media discourse, communicative strategy, regulatory strategy, the strategy of paradoxically contrastive type
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 148 — 154
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