Considers the appearance of the apocryphal story of “Herrowing of hell” in old Russian literature on the example of the book “the passion of Christ, and the presence of an episode in handwritten edition of the monument, and early printed editions; attempts to identify the impact of literature on the composition and development of ancient iconography of the “Herrowing of hell”, which is the idea of the image of Christ’s Resurrection as victory over death, the deliverance of the righteous from hell, the salvation of those who believed in him. The article draws attention to controversial, requiring further research and discussion, questions about the influence of literature on the iconographic subject of the “Herrowing of hell”.
Keywords: apocryphal story, passional tradition, passion of the Christ, Herrowing of hell, manuscript tradition, early printed text, icon, iconography
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 155 — 160
Downloads: 1273