The presented article is a part of study on the review of the modern genre identity hagiographic canon material on “The Life of the righteous elder Feodor of Tomsk” composed by abbot Siluanus (Vyurovym) (now bishop Kolpashevsky and Strezhevskoy). The considered work reflects the current stage of evolution of hagiographic genre and meet modern canonical genre and stylistic requirements of objectivity, faktologichnosti, conciseness, and the tendency to transfer the individual characteristic of the ascetic and not focus on agiotip. The greatest attention in this paper is given to studying the life of style, narrative principles of copyright and artistic means of creating an image of a saint.
Keywords: hagiography, prologue being, holy, righteous, martyr, composition, author, style, canon, Orthodoxy
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 161 — 168
Downloads: 915