The article discusses the features of the evolution of the female images in the novel of B. K. Zaytsev “The House in Passy” and diary essay “The Wayfarer”. This allows to analyze the specificity of creative self-determination of the author during emigration. It is in “The Wayfarer” that the change of anthropological bases of female images in Zaitsev’s prose was first detected. In the novel “The House in Passy” the writer reproduces the characteristic types of emigrants and of indigenous French women. Female image loses its mystical air, mythological allusiveness, philosophical “sophiological” context, present in the early prose of the author. The writer shows different variants of the women’s life’s in emigration.
Keywords: literature of Russian emigration, novels of B. K. Zaytsev, masculine (feminine), evolution of creativity, female images, literary anthropology
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 183 — 189
Downloads: 929