This article discusses the epistemological beliefs of the oldest Slavophiles as A. S. Homyakov and I. V. Kireyevsky and the philosophers-Imyaslavtsev (the Name Glorifiers) such as Florensky, Bulgakov, Losev. The particular attention is paid to the problem of the relations between Faith and Reason. The article refers to the types of science – the science of Antiquity, of the Middle Ages and of Modern Times. The thesis is given here: The conceptual connection of faith and fair mind requires a special type of scientific thinking – the symbolic thinking. In this regard, there are considered the examples of symbolic thinking in the sciences of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. In the main part of the article is given the analysis of the conception of Orthodox science in the philosophy of Slavophiles and of the Name Glorifiers (Imyaslavtsev) in terms of symbolic thinking. The article reveales a definite relation between the epistemological beliefs of these thinkers and the traditions of Ancient philosophy and Western scholastic tradition. It concludes on the relevance of the problem of the relation between faith and reason for the range of modern human sciences.
Keywords: faith and reason, Slavophiles, Name Glorify, symbolic scientific thinking, authentic knowledge
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 169 — 174
Downloads: 740