The article presents an analysis of sacred texts used in the Abrahamic religions, and characterizing the first images of women – Lilith and Eve. Lilith and Eve have a long history and are reflected in the religion and culture of different nations. Being referred to in Sumerian mythology, as the images of the first women in cultures that are affected by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Lilith and Eve may also underlie the archetype of the Great Mother. The data obtained as a result of comparing and analyzing images of the first women to form a basis for interpreting the themes of family and motherhood in the history, culture and art; and to understand the historical changes in the role of women in society. Below is the analysis of ancient texts, materials which allow you to recreate the mythological biography of Lilith and Eve. It should be noted that the emphasis is on the ancient sources, modern academic and reference publications with a conscious disregard of the many romanticized notions emerged in the late XIX – early XX centuries. in fiction and poetry. Results of the study complement existing psychological, philosophical, theological presentation of the image of women, allow us to offer modern interpretations of themes of family and motherhood in the history, culture and art; appreciate the dynamics of social and psychological status of women.
Keywords: abrahamic religions, Lilith, Eve, woman, child, baby, family
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 67 — 75
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