The article describes the synonymic relations between the verbative synlexes and other nominative units with procedural meaning (in single word and multiword): verbs, phraseological units in narrow sense, figures of speech. Members of the synonymic ranks including the verbative synlexes are analyzed according to the following parameters: semantics, stylistic markers; case forms, which are used after the verbal combinations and verbs; aspectual characteristics, contexts of the use of the units. For identification of these parameters we addressed various dictionaries (explanatory, phraseological, the dictionary of synonyms, the specialized dictionary of steady verbal-nominal phrases). As a result we allocated 4 groups of the synonymic ranks including the verbative synlexes.
Keywords: verbative synlexes, synonyms, verbs, phraseological units, figures of speech, stylistic markers, semantics
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 9 — 14
Downloads: 901