Figurative usage of words varies from culture to culture and reflects the national vision of events. The specific attitude and a special culture of drinking are implemented in metaphors. The article is devoted to metaphorical usage of the Russian verb раздавить – razdavit' and speech verbs (приговорить, уговорить, уболтать – prigovorit', ugovorit', uboltat') in texts available in the National corpus of the Russian language and Internet forums. It shows the analysis of the main cases of their contextual usage and it researches the main morphological, syntactic and collocation characteristics of the given verbs that have some features in common and have some differences. The common integrative meaning of these verbs is “to drink a certain quantity completely”. So the statements with these verbs have, as a rule, words that mean the container (a bottle) and its contents (vodka, cognac, etc.) in the context. The peculiarity of the given metaphorical verbs is that when you transfer the names from the base experience to another, you bring context of the word in its direct use.
Keywords: metaphor, ontological metaphor, personification, speech verb, context
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 15 — 18
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