This article through the prism of the parameters analyzed sociolinguistic discursive characteristics of epistolarymedia language person, actualized in the sphere of electronic mass interaction. The material for the examination online at the moment is the petition addressed to the representatives of regional and state authorities, as a kind of epistolary texts electronic-social orientation. In the light of sociolinguistic approach online petitions are defined as belonging to the institutional type of discourse, and epistolary-media personality is parameterized in terms of its social status. It should be mentioned that the institutional discourse is more dependent on the conditions in which it is carried out: the aim, the communicants status characteristics, the degree and format of their participation in the discursive event, situational context, the constitutive features in general. For sociolinguistic characteristics of discursive properties of epistolary language of sociolinguistic identity there exist the following parameters: 1) the status-role characteristics of the sender; 2) тhe focus of the author's goal-setting; 3) the ideological and thematic content of the letters; 4) the type of epistolary text; 5) the type of destination; 6) the functional and stylistic features of the epistolary discourse; 7) the use of voice features, including stylistic means. Substantiates the existence of social dominance in the communicative behavior of this type of carrier, which is expressed in the awareness of personal and social identity, demonstrating active citizenship in addressing pressing social issues, ability to carry out communicative expedient and rhetorically organized interaction with different types of people (like-minded people, government officials, site moderator), openness of discursive manifestations.
Keywords: epistolary, epistolary linguistic identity of the mass media communication, electronic epistolary text, online-petition, sociolinguistics, communicative style of the text, discourse analysis
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 34 — 41
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