The article deals with the method of “total immersion” of a foreigner as a secondary language personality in speech and wider – communicative – media environment. In modern linguistics, the method is defined as one of the most efficient, allowing a carrier to master a second language and effectively form lingvocultural competence. The key thesis is the one on the necessity of combining classroom training aimed at developing understanding of the language system, and study of the functioning of the language elements in a spontaneous conversational communication. Proves the expediency of development of alien non-literary (for example, slang) units of modern language, actively functioning in the speech of the Russian people. It is noted that in view of the principles of appropriateness and ethical permissibility of the use of jargon in the speech of secondary language person achieved the result, optimizing the overall intercultural communication. Jargon, becoming the the subject of exploration of alien units has linguocultural properties since, including their means of familiarizing media carried a foreign language to the Russian linguistic culture. Introducing an alien not only to literature, but also to the resources of the modern Russian colloquial language extends the communication possibilities of the language person in the space of multicultural interaction, has a strong educational value for the formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude towards representatives of other cultures and mentalities, learns to be responsible for the spoken word, to assess each situation in terms of the interaction of ethical and national communication standards.
Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, intercultural communication, the secondary language personality, language competence, lingvocultural competence, jargon, slang
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 69 — 75
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