Federal state educational standard of basic General education task set the goal to prepare students for life in the information society. To solve this problem it is proposed to use Museum funds when teaching students to plan tour messages. The work of pupils in the period of preparation and carrying out of excursions activates learning process, improves the quality of education. The immersion of pupils in certain lingvistic regional studies museum environment becomes a means of their spiritual and moral education, formation and development of their linguistic identity. The article aims to give a definition of school-Museum learning tools; on the example of Khakas schools to consider their application in teaching students of grades 5–8 to plan tour messages on the lessons of language development, in-class and extracurricular activities, describe the program of teaching research of the tour speech by the students.
Keywords: artifacts, the Museum system tools when teaching students, tour message
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 81 — 84
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