Assessment of the quality of teacher education and professional development of the teacher is seen as the process of mastering the teaching activities and personal growth, which involves the study of methods of mastering the teaching activities and conditions of their development. Especially urgent this problem is for the graduates, as in this situation, many of them found the educational crisis of identity, doubts about the professional choice and the need of professional self-determination. According to the authors, the self-monitoring procedure can make a contribution to the practice of dialogue, subject-subject relations in the modern educational process, quality control of pedagogical knowledge through the development of professional self-determination of graduates. Self-monitoring models the reflection situation, allows to determine ist place and role in the work of the graduate on his teaching experience, to stimulate the development of his professional and psychological culture
Keywords: education, management, quality of teaching, dialogue, teacher, graduate, self-monitoring
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 103 — 107
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