The article presents different approaches to the definition of “motive”, highlights the features of transformation of cognitive, educational and professional motives in the context education. The main types of contextual problems (substantive, interdisciplinary and practical) are considered and marked with their distinctive features for the training of IT disciplines of the future teachers-psychologists. Proposes actual integrative didactic means – the mental-task context consisting of the mental map of the relevant section (theme, paragraph), with the filling of contextual tasks of different types. Reveales didactic and methodological possibilities of their use in the training of IT disciplines teachers-psychologists bachelors. The results of research show a positive trend of development of motivational sphere of students using mentalcontext tasks in the learning process.
Keywords: motive, motivation, contextual learning, contextual task, mental-context task, informatics discipline
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 134 — 139
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