The article attempts to identify the meaning of mock weddings and funerals which were the important part of the festive culture of the Petrine era and did not find a consistent explanation in historiography. For the analysis of historical material the author draws M. M. Bakhtin’s culturological nature theory of carnival and B. A. Uspenskiy’s theory of anti-behavior, as well as laughter concepts, lying at the intersection of cultural studies and psychology. Interdisciplinary and comparative-historical approaches allows to highlight in Peter’s amusements the characteristics of both Russian and European holiday traditions, creatively transformed by the tsar-reformer. Proposed the assumption that the elements of carnival, “adsorbed” by the baroque culture, was performed for Peter’s psyche a compensatory function, helping to cope with the stresses, related with the disturbance of cultural norms in the course of reform activities.
Keywords: Peter I, early modern time, interdisciplinary approach, carnival culture, anti-behavior, laughter
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 140 — 151
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