In this article the author makes an attempt to escape primitive subdivision of trade forms into inferior (archaic) and superior. Comparative analysis of dynamics of fair network of the cusp of XIX–XX centuries with the middle of XIX century is carried out at the national and regional (Western Siberian) levels – (Tobolsk and Tomsk guberniyas); stationary and recurrent trade. The article gives a characteristic of reorganization of fair stations, tendencies and innovations of their development. It is proved that the variety of trade organization forms was a part of modernization processes of Russian economy. Besides that spatial (regional) 'measuring' of structure and distribution of trade network adjusts the discussion about time and ways of modernization of Russia.
Keywords: fair network, number of fairs, trade volume, location of fairs, rural and urban fairs, wholesale and retail trade
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 160 — 166
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