The article considers the activities of the regional bodies of authority in secondment of the evacuated and mobilization of the local specialists for the rehabilitation of agricultural sector in the liberated areas of the country under the conditions of the enhancing re-evacuation process. The purpose of the article is to define the number of specialists, sent to the west regions, their specializations, the reality of accomplishment of the tasks on agricultural rehabilitation for Siberian areas, the reasons of the tasks reconsidering, mechanisms of realization of the main trends in the work, its scope and results. The article describes the difficulties of the work, the cases of incoordination of actions, miscounts, the participation of the re-evacuated specialists sent to the liberated land in rehabilitation of its agricultural sector. The author makes a conclusion that the re-evacuation of a significant number of machine-servicers and other specialists during 1943 had aggravated the hard state of the West Siberian agriculture even more. It was only by the dint of the immense efforts that the region could gain the minimum of bread and supplies in 1943. The Government had to bring in even more severe restrictions of the civilian consumption, and the population had to suffer still more material losses.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, re-evacuation, liberated areas, mobilization, bodies of authorities, rehabilitation, state farms (sovkhozes) trusts, machine-servicers
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 173 — 180
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