The article presents the first attempt to consider the problem of building organizations’ personnel re-evacuation on the basis of archival materials. The re-evacuation was caused by the necessity of revitalization of the liberated territories. The purpose of the article is through the complex study of the issue to distinguish the personnel which underwent re-evacuation, the mechanisms of realization of the main trends in the activity related to it, its extent and results for the liberated areas, the re-evacuation consequences for West Siberia. The research was conducted in accordance with the main principles of historical science. It shows that the problems of re-evacuation of the collectives of building organizations’ were solved personally and were in the focus of the authorities’ attention. There were made a significant preparative work on the departures of echelons with people and equipment. The article accentuates the hardness of the work, tough requirements and discipline, good organization, difficulties and results. The author makes a conclusion that the presence of a significant number of building organizations’ collectives and building specialists in West Siberia had positive effect on the building cadres problem solving during the hardest time of the war. But reevacuation led to the great building cadres outflow which significantly deteriorated the situation in the building sector, and this could not but affect greatly the socio-economical development of the whole region.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, re-evacuation, building organizations, special building and installation units, building trusts, Stalinskpromstroy no. 1, Spetsstroytrest no. 1, Stalingrad
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 181 — 187
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