The article considers the influence of re-evacuation to the state the region's cadres' potential, the change of the regional demographical development conditions. The article highlights the impact of evacuees to the forming of the regional cadres’ potential of the region, the change of its demographical development conditions. The author accentuates the impact of evacuees in the creation of the arsenal of Victory. The paper defines the consequences of the cadres re-evacuation for the main sectors of industry, building, agriculture, transport, science, education and health care. The article accentuates the difficulties, negative consequences of re-evacuation, the shortage of cadres related to it and the measures taken to overcome it. The article underlines that re-evacuation had shown the urgency of the cadres problem in general and especially that of the highly qualified ones, which was characteristic of the West Siberia in the pre-war years and which was solved only for a short period of time merely by means of evacuation and arrival of the great number of specialists to the region. So the success of the country’s transition to peaceful conditions of national economy rehabilitation depended greatly on the timeliness of solving the human resources question. The article emphasizes the influence of re-evacuation on the dynamics of the population number and composition. The author concludes that the decline of the West Siberian population in the war and re-evacuation conditions indicated the weakening of the power of human potential in the region.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, re-evacuation, bodies of authority, migration processes, demographic processes
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 188 — 195
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