The article investigates the little-known in the national historiography events associated with the early history of Canada, the French and Scottish colonization of America in the XVII century. Acadia/Nova Scotia (now the territory of one of the Maritime provinces of Canada) was in the midst of the Anglo-French colonial interests collision in a military conflict 1627–1629. Considers the conflict of father and son de La Tour which occurred against the background of these events and received a mixed assessment in the historiography. After arriving in America the first time in the early XVII century La Tours were at the origins of the first French settlements in Acadia and were experienced colonizers. In the late 1620s, these representatives of two generations of French families were on opposite sides in the Anglo-French colonial confrontation. The facts confirming the intention of the captured British Claude de La Tour to take British citizenship, not only for himself but also for his son who stayed in America. In this context, it shows the interaction of La Tour-older with Scot Sir William Alexander – the founder of the Scottish colony of Nova Scotia and Order Baronets of Nova Scotia. The conflict of Claude de La Tour and ignorance of his intentions by the son of Charles is analyzed on the basis of documentary evidence of the French colonizer Acadian N. Denys. The Russian translation of Denys’s notes in Russian historiography is presented for the first time.
Keywords: Colony, America, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Claude de La Tour, Charles de La Tour, William Alexander
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 202 — 206
Downloads: 907